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Purple Friday Centelles 25/11




SUNRANXX és per totes aquelles persones que aprofitem qualsevol moment per escapar de la monotonia i descobrir.
Volem empényer a ser més sensibles i apreciar l’atractiu artístic que ens envolta.
De la mateixa manera, vetllem per adequar els espais i escenaris per millorar la visibilitat dels talents participants.

We join together for a sensory and hedonistic vivence
Icona Art Musical

Sound experience with captivating rhythms and sounds and badges from around.

Icona Art Visual

Display of unique design and craft creations with their own identity. Performances...

Icona Art Gastronòmic

A flavor trip made up of a selection of the best wheeled restaurants.

Icona Entorn Humà

The power to share joy, kindness and empathic professionalism.

Icona Entorn Natural

Place in full armonia. Elegance and ruralism.

And our sixth sense is


Commitment to inclusiveness and sustainability