How are you going to start it? Doncs semper me have pleased the peus, since petite that I fixat in the peus of the people. I d’here win them dress-the bonics. I com ho could fer? Have a basic sabata and customize it. It is to say that I redecorate it because I have a touch totally different from a conventional sabata, the unique faig. Imaginant, creat… convertint-la tant com pugui amb la meva essència, tot fet per mi i a mà. Gaudeixo molt. When I see a Saturday that pleases me, I know what I’ll do, the veig is over. I quan la tinc a les mans encara flow more things, more ideas… Letting the mind fly is a sensation that always pleases me, it comes from family. In the fons… tots som a mica artistes! I hope that the results of so much imagination and creation please you as much as I do.