
The Resort Center has an LLAS (Home with Support for People with Illness
Mental) and SAVI (Independent Living Support) flats, for people
with Mental Illness or Intellectual Disability.
The General Objective of the Service is to promote and facilitate a substitute environment for the home that is appropriate and adapted to the assistance needs of the person, which allows him to enhance personal and social autonomy, and to favor community life and its social integration in a standardized environment.
In order to fulfill the general objective of the service, the participation of people with disabilities due to mental illness is facilitated and promoted by defining their individual baselines of Support needs, taking into account their wishes and wishes, for , then together with them, adapt the operation of the service for such achievement.

Different profiles, different needs, different schedules …

A tailor-made suit for each person.

This tailor-made dress can only be developed from the Conceptual Framework of Care for the Person that develops the Comprehensive Care Model, where the same person participates in the planning, execution and evaluation of their life purposes, taking into account prioritize their wishes and desires and adapt the environment for their achievement.